As it says on the top of every page, my goal is to provide ‘training for aspiring leaders and organizations.” Let me help you.


I have a passion for helping people succeed. I always tailor my work to the needs of my clients rather than have a ‘one size fits all’ approach. With me, you get individual attention.

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During my career, I’ve conducted thousands of interviews for jobs ranging from CEO to entry-level positions. Since then I’ve studied what makes you succeed in a job interview. My online course, “Job Interviews: Want Employees Want to Here” will help prepare you. But, I also offer individual coaching where we test out your answers against the research.


After successfully managing a high-profile media organization for more than thirty years, I am sharing what I know in my books. “Be A Leader Not Just A Manager” is designed for anyone interested in becoming more of a day-to-day manager. “The Public Media Manager’s Handbook” offers advice for those who seek management roles in public radio or TV.

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From teaching the best productivity methods to finding a new job and how to best manage difficult employees, my online courses allow me to share my expertise in an engaging and on-demand manner.

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Are you facing a particularly tricky problem? Let’s discuss it. Sometimes bouncing ideas off another professional is an excellent pathway to a solution. Or maybe you have a longer-term project that you would like to outsource. I am available to help my clients and would love to discuss options with you.

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Each week I publish a free weekly newsletter on productivity, leadership, and management issues. Sign up HERE and I will also send you my e-book, “Top 20 Research Tested Productivity Tips.”

Let Me Help You Be A Successful Leader.