Build A Productivity System That Works Using The Principles of GTD With Evernote

Successful productivity systems must be simple to set up and simple to maintain. As GTD’s David Allen puts it, your system needs to work even on the busiest of days. That’s what my system will show you.

We use the best features of Evernote in combination with the principles of GTD, but the system is flexible enough so you can modify it according to your needs.

The system includes:

PROJECT & NOTE MANAGEMENT – Whether you have 10 or 1000 active projects, you will see how easy it is to recall the information you need when you need it.

TASK MANAGEMENT – Never lose track of what needs to be done now. While Evernote has created its own task manager, we learn how to use it in conjunction with GTD methodology.

REFERENCE AND IDEA COLLECTION – GTD’s David Allen says your brain is for having ideas and not for holding them. You will create a reference system for anything you may need again.

PLUS – Learn to effectively integrate email into your productivity system, use tags to create agendas for meetings and conversations, the power of notebook stacks and so much more.

Here’s a preview of the course:

This is the course you need if you want to be more productive and have a system that you can rely on and is easy to maintain.


“I just completed your “Getting Things Done with Evernote” class and found it to be super helpful. I have adopted your design and file structure and have started using the new workbooks I created.”